Prayer Room
The prayer room for the Muslims (Male) is located at the ground floor in the hospitals lobby just beside Blood Bank and for the Female at 1st floor beside the Ultrasonography counter.
The prayer room for the Muslims (Male) is located at the ground floor in the hospitals lobby just beside Blood Bank and for the Female at 1st floor beside the Ultrasonography counter.
23/A, M M Ali Road, Golpahar Moor
Mehdibag, Chittagong.
Cell: 01914 001210
21 Niloy, Gour Govinda Tila Road
(Behind the Muktijoddha Complex, Near Noorjahan Clinic),
Chowhatta, Sylhet
Cell: 01914 001211
This website is for information purpose and not intended as medical advice or a substitude of a consultation with a professional healthcare provider